Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mytechhigh School Class: China 3

The last dynasty to ever rule China was ruled by Qing Dynasty from 1644-1912.   After that, many wars had erupted, and Qing had to suffer the many hardships of dying chinese people.  This is what partially ended the dynasty's of China.

Mytechhigh School Class: China 2

The first dynasty in China ever to be formed was by the Xia, in about 2100 BCE. This information, from historians, is said to be possibly mythical, but further history research is yet to be done.  China was said to be the one of the world's most powerful sovereign states in that time period.

Mytechhigh School Assignment: China 1

China is a country located in the continent Asia.  It is said to be the world's most populated country!!  With over 1.35 billion citizens, China is certainly a very popular country!  :)